63A 3Ø CC Distro (63A 3Ø - 3X 63A)
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Part of the Version 2 SMARTdistro stacking frame range of power distribution, designed to meet and exceed the requirements of BS7909.
- 63A 3Ø Ceeform
- 63A 3Ø Ceeform (Unprotected loop out)
- 3x 63A 1Ø Ceeform
- DP C Type MCB with key switchable and adjustable RCD shunt trip
Default RCD Trip Settings:
- 400A Powerlock - 480mA - 1000ms
- 125A Ceeform 1&3 Ø - 480mA - 500ms
- 63A Ceeform 3Ø - 300mA - 300ms
- 63A Ceeform 1Ø - 100mA - 100ms
- 32A Ceeform 1&3 Ø - 30mA - no delay
- 16A Ceeform - 30mA - no delay